Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Your Intuition

"But, you know when I choose a film, I need to believe in it and believe I can do something special with it, and after a while that means not trying to judge or analyze why I should do it. You have to follow this intuition thing, which is a mystery to me," Juliette Binoche. What is this inner knowing and feeling, sometimes even a clear and sudden understanding of a complex situation, without using reason or having evidence, facts, or even normal justification? A sense of what feels right and true for us, an inner knowing and deep wisdom about small, and even big, challenges and decisions. There are basically two schools of thought on where intuition comes from. Some say our hearts and souls are guided beyond our rational thinking minds by an Infinite, all knowing, Intelligence or energy force, greater than us, and that intuition originates in our subconscious, and guides our soul's growth to our highest path and purpose. That our minds are wonderful for projects, solving problems, helping others, but not so good when it comes to figuring out our lives and what is best for us. We seem to have emotional, and even physical (feel it in our gut), sensations that may be our intuition, or is it that our intuition shows us what our hearts long for? Not waiting for life to be perfect, or circumstances to change, but honoring and "leading with our hearts." People believing this is where our intuition comes from would say it is one of the easiest ways to keep us on track and connected to what our Spirits want. Others would say that intuition is a matching game based on experience and an unconscious associative process whose origins we can't explain other than it takes place in the workings of the brain and our nerve cells. Part of a sensory system which operates without data from the five physical senses and keeps our body informed. Whatever is the origin of intuition, it is definitely a sixth sense that can help us find out the truth about the people around us, what may happen in our future, short and long term, why something happened in our lives and how we can try to fix it, when and how we can avoid danger or an unpleasant experience, and which activities and relationships will contribute towards our happiness and evolution as a human and spiritual being, and what will not. So, next time you seem to just "know things" and you don't even know how you know them, chances are this is your intuition.

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