Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Are You Fulfilled?

On line I participate in a Daily Challenge everyday put on by Me You Health.Yesterday our challenge was to explore our best self by finishing the sentence: "I always feel fulfilled when I....." We are told that "as we make it through our busy days we usually don't  have time to stop and think about what makes us our best and most fulfilled selves. By taking a moment to explore what fulfills us, it helps remind us what's special and purposeful about our lives." It appears that Me You Health was referencing something specific, but being fulfilled can also mean we are satisfied with our lives overall. On one level, we find fulfillment from within, on another level it is because we have obtained or accomplished something tangible. Fulfillment goes more hand and hand with contentment than it does with happiness, as contentment and fulfillment are more deeply felt from the heart and they cause a certain sense of peace, whereas happiness is marked by the experience of  joy or pleasure. Fulfillment and contentment from within are states of being where we are comfortable with our situation in life and in alignment with our tastes, likings, environment, and circumstances. There is also a feeling of being acceptable not only to others, but ourselves. We don''t ask for more than life presents to us and don't complain or blame. There was a cute story I read on line about a dairy company in the 1900's whose slogan was "Our milk is good milk because it comes from contended cows." When we are fulfilled, we are working towards, or have achieved, what we have sought for: a goal, a passion, a purpose, a dream, or a vision. Ultimately, we may develop a philosophy of living so that we can become fulfilled and thereby live richer, deeper, and more satisfying lives. It seems to me, just my spin on it, that  being fulfilled means we are "filled up." How would you complete the sentence, "I always feel fulfilled when I..... ?"

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