Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Each Precious Moment

Material objects, and our perceptions and emotions in our moments change, but the essence of each moment doesn't change.  This essence is what Wayne Dyer calls the "unmanifested," Eckhart Tolle calls the "formless," and Buddha calls the "unborn."  It is the stillness and space behind what we know with our minds.  From this essence come those qualities of spirit and attributes of mind that make for radiant living, hope, love, joy, peace, faith, and love. The goal is to live in these moments and allow each moment to be as it is. To live at our best right now instead of postponing positive and constructive living for some vague and indefinite future.  Each day, one moment leads to another in a series of eternal "nows,"  Our past experiences have brought us to where we are today, and the future is yet to be seen. To live in the now takes practice and work.  It is habitual to want to change the past, resist what is, or have fear of what is going to happen.  The secret is to be okay with whatever form this moment takes, allowing it to be the way it is, alive and real; to develop an awareness of the infinite possibilities of each magic moment.  With true acceptance of the now comes a feeling of love.  This love is otherworldly and doesn't have a definition, it is the love we have inside of us and we born from.  Slowly, we are able to uncover it by taking each moment as it comes and treasuring it.  Every moment has its ups and downs, its joys and sorrow as no one "promised us a rose garden," but when we take one moment at a time and live it to the fullest with love in our hearts, we can live out our days in fullness and peace.

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