Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Humility is a Quality of Being Humble

When a person is humble he is faith-filled, compassionate, kind, gentle, and docile.  To be humble is to be modest and not prideful.  Humility is a distinguishing feature of human nature with a purpose in life to help others with a joyful heart.  The humble person is thoughtful in his consideration of others, sensitive to their feelings, and accepts them just as they are.  On one hand, humble means to be subservient and/or not feeling good enough, but this is not true about the humble person who accepts and wants to help others.  The only time he feels insignificant and small in the scheme of things is:  when he is in nature, has awe at the workings of the Universe, and looks up to people who are doing great good in the world.  Humility leads to qualities of being a great leader, as we see in our prophets and gentle leaders like Gandhi. Humility is being comfortable with one's self and at peace with the world.  The humble person counts his blessings and is filled with gratitude for what he has, and wants others to have what they desire as well. Many times he helps them achieve this, but does not take credit for it.  "True humility does not know that it is humble.  If it did, it would be proud from the contemplation of so fine a virtue," Martin Luther. Humility brings a person a love for the world and life in general.  He realizes he has purpose, but knows he has nothing to do with beautiful mornings, for example, except have the opportunity to enjoy them.  Mother Teresa said, "We can do no great things; only small things with great love."  Although the humble person's main purpose in life is to love and serve, he does not ignore his own feelings.  Part of the quality of humility is learning to contribute to well being.  The humble person keeps his identity by setting boundaries. Although hard for him, he knows that he has to take care of himself so he can help others.  It is so easy for him to be so empathetic that, while helping someone through the grieving process, he takes on their sadness.  Humility can be summed up in one of the eight beatitudes in Matthew 5:5: "Blessed are the meek for they shall inherit the earth."

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