Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Nurturing Each Other

We have all been nurtured at times in our lives or we wouldn't have grown and developed, and in turn we have nurtured others.  But, human beings are not born  nurturers, or givers.  These traits have to be discovered and learned.  Learning to nurture comes from being nurtured ourselves, emulating others, and life experiences in general.  Nurturing, in its truest sense, is to want to support and help others grow by loving them unconditionally and wanting nothing in return or needing them to change or be different.  Nurturing is an opportunity to be patient, kind, accepting, compassionate, and loving.  It feels good to be nurtured, and also to nurture, because when we give we also receive.  We can see nurturing in action by watching a mother bird feed her fledglings.  Nurturing to the mind is similar to good nutrition.  Just as the body needs a combination of carbohydrates, protein, fats, vitamins, and minerals, the heart needs a combination of inspiration, hope, and courage.  Some of us were not nurtured by our parents for one reason or another, but we have grown up to be responsible, caring, giving, and kind people.   Nurturing comes from coaches, teachers, mentors, pastors, heroes, but can come from anywhere if we are made to feel good and have a sense of belonging.  If we have been lonely in our lives and not had the nurturing we all seek, we might say the following prayer, "Higher Power, please lead me to those who can give me what I need and grant me the compassion to love those who can't."  For our well being it is important that we take care of, and nurture, ourselves.  For example live in the moment by setting a schedule, but not feeling you have to follow it exactly, putter around the house or with your car, make something interesting and new for dinner, pet an animal, hug a child, or just be still in nature. There is such comfort in things like this and nurturing is all about being happy, feeling cared for, and that everything is right with the world.

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