Sunday, July 15, 2012

Let's Talk About Fun

Playing and having fun are two of the most important things we can do, and probably two things we don’t have as our priorities, but maybe we do.  Those of us that have fun know that the pleasure of fun and play are as necessary as rest and renewal.  And, most successful people have learned the art of having fun and finding pleasure. To have fun is to have purely enjoyable experiences and activities.  There is amusement, merriment, playfulness, and even being frivolous or silly.  Anything that is not serious or taken serious-minded.  Sometimes we have to make our own fun and happiness out of a serious situation.  Fun leads to good thoughts, high spirits, and having a sense of humor.  Look for the comical and the laughable.  One of the stress busters is to find something  fun in every day, something to look forward to. To be a playful person and engaged in activities for no other reason than to be light-hearted.  Fun can be comfort, set aside time just for us to do fun things by ourselves, or in recreational activities with other people, capering, romping, and enjoying each other’s company and maybe even their wit and joke telling.  “If you watch a game, it’s fun. If you play it, it’s recreation  If you work at it, it’s golf,” Bob Hope. It is nice to be around people who are having fun, but it is also pleasurable to be with ourselves when we are experiencing it.  When we are active physically in fun and recreation, physical tiredness invites relaxation and sleep  Life isn’t meant to be so serious.  When we are serious, we are sober in manner and characteristics, completely lacking in playfulness, and often are in a grave state or condition. “Modern man must learn to break the tensions of daily living or the tension will break him,” is what essayist Wilferd A. Peterson had to say about fun and playfulness. Watch a child at play, they are so happy and live in the moment.  We learn to be serious and think negative thoughts, we aren’t born that way.  We should strive to become more childlike.  I am going to say to you, what Franklin D. Roosevelt had to say, “It is fun to be in the same decade with you.”

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