Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Confidence and Concentration

These are two very important qualities that the contestants in the Olympics need to have.  First of all they have to believe in themselves and have confidence.  Confidence is a French word, spelled the same way and means, “firmly trusting, bold.” There needs to be a freedom from doubt, a certainty and self-assurance of their abilities. The other quality is the power of mental concentration, focusing all efforts and activities to bear upon one thing or one activity; an intense mental effort, immersion, and absorption of all faculties. If you have watched the faces of the contenders you will see a certain look, an intense look, a focused look. I particularly noticed it in the gymnasts during the floor exercises, balance beam, and the parallel bars. There is complete confidence, concentration, and attention to what is about to be done that continues during the execution of the sport.  Because they are confident and trusting of their abilities, there is less anxiety and fear.  Last night, Missy Franklin from the United States, swam two races back to back with only 10 minutes in between which was unheard of.  In the first race, the 200m freestyle, she qualified 8th, but in the second race, the 100m backstroke, she won the gold medal. Afterwards in the interview, she was asked how she did it.  She said one coach said to keep the events separate, and the other coach told her to stay calm and relaxed. Over many years of serious training the Olympiads learn ways of combating feelings of anxiety and nervousness.  Besides relaxing and staying calm, they learn to take deep breaths.  Another useful technique is called visualization.  Visualization is seeing oneself making the jump, hitting the ball, crossing the finish line.  It is projecting the win by imagining and conceiving of it as well as envisioning something happen that is invisible, abstract and not present yet.  Not only is the Olympics interesting and exciting to watch, we can learn from the Olympiads to be confident, poised, calm, centered, and living in the moment.

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