Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Working with Others

The Olympics take an enormous amount of people working together, from the country preparing for the Games and the volunteers, to the news coverage, and most importantly to the contestants themselves.  The Olympics is about individual efforts, team efforts, and an overall effort to win.   Either way there is a common goal or objective and members are counted on to perform their roles to the best of thier ability.  Once a player makes the team it is his responsibility to demonstrate his value and pursue excellence under pressure.  Also, it takes a lot more to being a team member than common goals and purpose. There is training, practice, hard work, clear and effective communication, and, most of all, trust in each other.  Working together, team participants create an environment where everyone can go beyond their limitations and talent to achieve their true potential and that of the team.  Organization, coordination, and cooperation allow each member to maximize their strengths and minimize weaknesses.  Unity and common bonds are formed with shared values of accountability, integrity, respect, and commitment.  It is also important to not only have a good attitude and be “good sports,” but cheer each other on with a joint action to be victorious in the Games.  Further, the highest Olympic vision is one that places the needs and interests of the each country first.       

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