Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Do you March the the Beat of Your Own Drummer or are you usually on the Bandwagon?

In today's world it seems like everyone wants to be like everyone else, from what we wear, to often how we behave.  Do we think that someone who stands out is eccentric or trying to get attention? It seems most of us have a need of fitting in and/or being validated.  I wonder why we have lost the sense of being who we are, with not only our God given talents, but our foibles and idiosyncrasies. In 1854 Henry David Thoreau wrote poems and essays living near Walden Pond.  The phrase "march to the beat of a different drum" originated from his writing.  It means the person is an individualist and does not follow the herd but their own heart. I'm in this, sometimes happy and sometimes sad life, to do "my thing" going with my instinct and insight as to what I believe is the truth of myself. Who do you think you are, who do you think you were meant to be, how do you imagine your life to be, what inspires you, what talents do you have and  how can they be used, what concerns you, and what do you think you were given your life to do?  Possibility the answers will lead you in directions that will surprise you and will be uniquely yours.

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