Saturday, January 21, 2012

Power of Attraction????

To think positive became very popular when Norma Vincent Peale wrote the Power of Positive Thinking.  Today the modern philosophers and psychologists and many others talk about the power of attraction, positive or good thoughts, attract good things, and negative thoughts attract negative, or bad, things.  It actually makes sense because everything is made of energy and energy has a positive and a negative, just like a magnet.  Have you ever felt the energy of someone when they walk in the room?  We also hear how if we want to be a certain way, or want things to go a certain way, to imagine it being so.  Visualization is a very popular concept and supposedly works.  Other than I know to think positive is a good thing I haven't put much faith in the power of attraction or visualization.  I don't know why, I guess I am just afraid it might not work and I will be disappointed, but then that is kind of like praying isn't it?  And, prayer does seem to work.  I picked this as a topic for my blog today because I am going to see what happens when I think positive about things in my life that I want to happen and also at the same time visualize and imagine them already being true or coming to me. Maybe I will find it works, I'll let you know.   I like the following quote by Alan Cohen, "the best way to get what you want is to realize you already have it. "

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