Friday, January 27, 2012

People of the Light

In 2009 I wrote a story about light overcoming dark paralleling two types of people, those who live in the light and those who live in the dark.  The following is based on this story.  Have you ever been anywhere when someone walks in the room, and whether you know them or not, something strikes you, and you may not even know what it is?  It is true that some people exude energy, or, if you will, they seem to glow.  I think that people who know God, a Higher Power, a Universal Intelligence, however, you think of that which is bigger than we are, shine a strong light.  By light I mean the fruit of the spirit:  gentleness, goodness, faith, peace, love, joy, long-suffering, meekness and self control.  People not of the light, on the other hand, live in darkness as well as cast a shadow on other people, places and things. They have one or more of the seven deadly sins:  anger, lust, pride, envy, gluttony, greed and sloth, live in negativity and in general are miserable people.  They are often confused, searching for what gives them comfort, but looking outside of themselves to find peace and happiness.  They do not count their blessings and have gratitude for what they do have.  Whereas people who live in light find all these these things as well as work to make themselves the very best people that they can be loving their life, themselves and their neighbors.  People who shine light frighten those who live with sin in darkness because the light holds them up to scrutiny, exposes them, and that is the last thing that they want.  An example of the light of the spirit vs. the darkness, is when someone is in this world who is a truly good person, a person who serves others and loves God.  A person who seems not to be of this world and exemplifies the fruit of the spirit.  The light shinning through the goodness of a godly person projects a calm, a peace and a glow.... the glow you see.  The light of their spirit shows through their eyes and the eyes are the window of the soul.  This is what is the indescribable of what you see when these people walk into a room.

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