Monday, January 23, 2012

A verb is an action word

Sometimes we don't realize that words like love, hope, and joy are verbs when we put the word "to" before them:  to love, to hope, to be joyful. When we think of these words as verbs it implies that something happens.  We show someone we love them.  We take action. Love flows all around us in giving and receiving,  To hope is to believe and trust that something we desire will come about. And joy is pure delight in what is happening in life and others can't  help but feel it.  These words are not made of material substance like a house, car or money.  They are nebulous and what some people would call touchy feely words.   I am not describing them as such or as emotions or feelings.  I am talking about them as action words that cause effects.  As far as love is concerned for example I am not talking about romantic love, but rather agape, meaning a virtue representing human kindness, compassion, affection, and a benevolent concern for the good of mankind.  You can't put your arms around these words in their essence, they just are.  Sometimes we forget the impact of what words mean and our responsibility to understand them.  I also remind you that to pray is an action word.

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