Friday, May 4, 2012

Awareness is Good

In preparing my "philosophy," "inspiration," or "thoughts for thought" on awareness, I had the realization, that in my writing and soul searching, I am becoming more aware of who I am, my ideals, who I want to be, the meaning I am finding in my life, and what I wish to leave to the world. I am also knowing, understanding, and becoming more sensitive to others' emotions and feelings. Listening more to what people say, reading what they write, and watching what they do.  All of us have needs, aspirations, hopes, and dreams.  Like others, I am becoming more open and aware of my creativity, imagination, talents, and potential.  Seems like we are all capable of so much and many aren't even aware of it.  We should seek to know ourselves authentically and look for the truth and meaning in our lives.  There appears to be a trend where spiritual values, inspirational thoughts and high standards are being promoted, and we are finding the value of intangible rather than tangible rewards in life.  We also seem to be more kind:  building up and motivating each other more, helping those in need, and generally being of service.  In this way we are becoming more tolerant and can begin to resolve our differences, in our neighborhood, our community, and our world.  It is important to be more aware of our surroundings and what molds us: the media and our social network, new inventions and ideas, the political and economic arenas, and science, religion, and philosophy.  It is also helpful to know where we have come from by listening, reading, studying, and learning.  It is healthy and wise to be mindful of the present moment, taking life as it comes, having a good attitude, and projecting good thoughts.  Therefore, the secret to becoming more vitally alive, fulfilled, and helpful is to become more aware:  alert, awake, and conscious.

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