Sunday, May 27, 2012

Protect and Serve

There are groups of people who sign up to protect and serve. Some are our military, our police, and our fire fighters. They do what they do to protect and serve so that we can be safe and secure. We may not be safe in our personal life, but great steps and sacrifices are taken to preserve safety and security in our country, our states, our cities, our communities, and our neighborhoods. Being free from harm and danger is due to the protection we receive. Those who protect us are heroes. Animal rescue groups are also composed of heroes who provide safety for all of our creatures. Sometimes there are "unsung heroes" who don't get the recognition they deserve. Heroes carry on resolutely and with undaunted determination to help others. They fight for causes and look out for other's interests, guard, protect, and rescue. Protection is a shield from danger, injury, destruction, or damage. It takes courage and bravery to be a hero. The brave man recognizes the power of thought and isn't defeated by fear, anxiety, frustration, or anger, but rises above these negatives and assumes a positive and victorious approach to life. Courage is the willingness to do the right thing in spite of fear. It is a quality of spirit that enables certain people to face danger, pain, and failure for the larger picture. When someone goes to war, he is supporting his country and its beliefs. Beliefs differ among nations and that is the main reason for conflict and confrontation. In an ideal, perfect word, we would all realize that we are one, that we are all human beings. Many hold a vision of peace in the midst of conflict and imagine and dream of freedom for each one of us. For peace to rise, we need to honor each other and to seek common ground one by one, until then, we will always have those that seek to protect and serve, and to them we say "thank you."

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