Friday, May 25, 2012


I am writing not about freedom from being oppressed or restrained from acting or speaking as we wish, but freedom of our thoughts, emotions, and feelings, freedom to be ourselves. We can be free in our thoughts regardless of our current circumstances, challenges, and issues. We can go anywhere in our minds through the power of prayer, meditation, and our imagination. We have an inborn freedom to think on our own, and our emotions and feelings come from that thinking. No one can tell us how to feel. We are free to think independently and recognize the control we have over our own minds. We can consider evidence, keep an open mind, observe, analyze, question, approach problems both intuitively and logically, and seek the truth. There are no limitations to the power of thought. We are able to think and feel unhampered and unrestricted. With this release comes the positive rather than the negative. It is the nature of thinking that transports us from our circumstances and leads us to build our lives toward our passions, goals, and dreams. It is important to be free of  other people's opinions and allow ourselves to be guided by our natural selfness. We don't have to depend on external signals, but live and have our being from our natural inner voice living in harmony with our beliefs, thoughts, and feelings, and ignoring pressure to do otherwise. Respect your inner nature, trust yourself, your thoughts and feelings. Trust your instincts, insights, and intuition. Ask yourself, "What's my own nature if there are no outside forces telling me who or what I should be?" When we think about what makes us happy and what our dreams are, regardless of our circumstances, or what other people are telling us to think, we are free.

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