Tuesday, May 1, 2012


When I wrote about harmony, I realized how close peace is to a world of harmony.  In fact, one definition of peace is, "a stress-free state of security and calmness that comes when there is no fighting or war, everything co-exists in perfect harmony." There hasn't ever been peace in the world, and there never will be entirely, but why can't the world operate somewhat more harmoniously? Why all the judging and dislike?  Why can't there be more tolerance of one another. It appears that we can't get along because there are too many differing cultural, political, social, legal, and religious beliefs. And, unfortunately some political systems think they are the only ones that are right. How can we join forces and promote universal values, ethics, and morals so that we have as much peace as possible. As well as develop and agree on certain standards, policies, and procedures so we have order instead of chaos. After all the universe is in order and harmonious. As I previously quoted: "The world is not to be put in order; the world is in order, incarnate. It is for us to harmonize with this order."
How do we do this?  Especially, how can we bring basic freedom to everyone to be all that they can be and want to be?  There don't seem to be any concrete answers, but we try what we can even including force.  There was book made into a movie called "Pay it Forward."  The concept was that one person do a good turn for another person and that person do a good turn for another and that person do a good turn for another, and so it went.  I realize this is idealistic, but just think what it would be like if everyone followed the Golden Rule: "do unto others as you would have others do unto to you."  Since we do not know the future, what is in store for us, and we don't know how things are going to go, and our technology has come so far, what is next?  Also, what will occur as a result of imagination and creativity?  If the main goals for us, by something greater than us, are peace, harmony, joy, and being free, it actually starts with each one of us.   We need to be people who carry the light, love, hope, faith, truth, courage, and knowledge to others.  As the great Indian pacifist leader, Gandhi, said, "Be the change you want to see in the world."  Gandhi is just one of the many leaders who have been one of the members of an "army of the kind," working for peace. Many people the world over believe there is a Universal Design unfolding in our world and have an awareness of emerging good despite the way things seem.

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