Sunday, May 20, 2012

Flexibility with a Twist

When we are flexible, we are capable of making changes by bending to situations and adapting to our circumstances. We are not rigid, but pliable and don't stress ourselves if everything is not the way we want it to be. Being flexible is when we make choices to weather storms by allowing them to blow through us without resistance. It is relaxing, not fighting, and going with what confronts us, or the decisions we have to make. When flexible, we are open to all possibilities without fear and ego-driven attachments. I have had this piece on flexibility started for a couple of days, but because of, what I now realize is the subconscious, I have not been able to write it. I have been facing a decision that has caused me to be inflexible. I have been in conflict with myself and fighting what has confronted me while a depression built up, almost unbeknownst to me. I have not been adapting to a particular situation, but trying to make a decision coming from fear and anxiety. In my resistance and ensuing decision not to leave my comfort zone, I ultimately have disappointed myself and others. In my resistance I have suffered.  I know if I am willing to make changes, accept life on "life's terms," and come from a positive place with a good attitude, things seem to run more smoothly, but I am not perfect. I am not always like the stately palm tree weathering a storm, rather sometimes feel like a piece of sage brush hurled about the by desert wind. It is hard to make changes about what we know for the unknown. What I write are my inspirations and philosophies, but they are also ideals. What I must, we must, remember is that we are human. Striving to live a certain way, doesn't mean we are a failure when we don't. I am finishing my thoughts on the advantages of being flexible because sometimes we learn by knowing about what it is like to not live up to an ideal. I may not follow the ideals I write about, and always walk my talk, but I will continue to write about them because I am learning about myself and my beliefs, they give me something to strive for, it is good for me, writing makes me happy, and just possibly, somewhere along the way, someone might be able to relate to something I have to say. I wrote on fear, perfection, willingness, changing our thoughts, and failure. Perhaps I should reread them for being flexible to weather storms is certainly an ideal and trait I wish to possess.

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