Thursday, February 9, 2012

Being of Service

The best way to find happiness and joy is to make someone else happy  Have you ever noticed that joy has a way of coming back to you when you do something for others?  In times of sadness, grief and trials if you help another person, most people just naturally feel good about themselves. One has a tendency to feel more at peace, comfortable and lighter.  It is such a wonderful thing to see someone light up in delight when you have done something for them.  I had an occasion to experience love and service in action.  My girl friend had just taken her dog to the vet for a procedure to see if he had a serious illness.  After she took him she went to Trader Joe's.  She called me and asked me if I wanted anything and I mentioned one thing that would be nice to have. She showed up with two bags full of food, mostly gourmet, and mostly goodies.  Her eyes were sparkling as she brought out one item after another out of the bags and put them away in my kitchen.  I said, "this is just like Christmas in July."  I told her it must be nice to be able to do things for people like she did for me especially when the person (me) was so appreciative.  Her dog was at the vet, and I was off my feet recovering from foot surgery, but for the moment we were just two people who cared about each other having fun.  From feelings, to thoughts, to behaviors, one's entire life shifts away from problems when they  find they are purposely giving joy away.

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