Friday, February 17, 2012

We are all Special

Has anyone ever called you special?  Have you ever felt someone was special.?  If we are fortunate our lives are full of special people usually beginning with our family and our friends, "our chosen family." Special is having a distinct or particular kind of characteristic, like a special smile, or someone accomplishing something that is out of the ordinary and stands out.  But it also is means a person who is exceptional,  remarkable, and  can sometimes be called extraordinary.  As a person, being special isn't so much about having certain characteristics, as it is about the person's all around allure and demeanor, and just being who they are.    Special men and women of valor and courage our are men and women in the military.  Regardless of how one feels about war, our men and women are heroes. They are the "bravest of the brave."  Also policemen and fireman can be classified as heroes, but then, actually, we are all heroes, special and unique in our own right, and it is important to hold ourselves in high regard.  We may not be extraordinary, or even unusually remarkable, but we all have a reason for being here.  Not only do we have our own special talents, we have  inherent attributes that determine who we are, including our moral and ethical actions and reactions.  No one else is exactly like we are and has our talents, nor does anyone know all about everything.  The world is full of "specialists."

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