Friday, February 3, 2012

Do you worry?

Fortunately I didn't worry about my surgery this morning.  Normally I would have, but had an epiphany (see my blog on 2/1/12).  I asked myself what worry was anyway and what does it mean? Not being able to answer those questions, I just took the word, and the obsessing it implies, right out of my mind and assured myself that everything would go well.  When we "worry" we think we re doing something, but are we?  Although to worry is a verb, it is action word of becoming anxious about a person, place or thing.  My father used to say, "worry is like a rocking chair, it doesn't get you anywhere."  And actually it is harder to worry than not too.  To be concerned on the other hand can be healthy.  For example, if you hear a strange noise in your car you may become concerned and take it to a mechanic.  I may have been "worry free" about the surgery in general this morning, but this evening when I realized I hadn't iced my foot, almost immediately my thoughts started racing:  will my foot swell? will it take longer to heal,? why was I so stupid? what will happen? and so forth. Finally, mid-stream in my thoughts, I began to practice what I preach (see my blog on 1/20/12)  I realized the surgery was in the past and as far as the future was concerned I had no idea what would happen so I might as well stay in the present moment and have faith that all would be well.

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