Tuesday, February 7, 2012

This too Shall Pass

"Life is difficult" is the first line of Scott Peck's book "A Road Less Traveled."  And so we find that this is so.  One thing we all share in this life are trials and tribulations.  Some may be more pronounced than others, and  painful moments may occur more at one time than another, but we all have them.  This life is not a "rose garden."  Sometimes it is hard to hear the words, "this too shall pass."  But people, places and things do.  Knowing this we know whatever we are going through at the present time will not last forever.  However, this is also true of pleasurable moments. They too change. What is in one moment will not be in the next.  The words "this too shall pass" can apply to thoughts as well as to people, places and things. Change seems to happen more quickly when circumstances are involved, some thoughts on the other hand, being more elusive, can last for a long time. However, even thoughts dissipate with time, even the toughest and most obsessive of them.  Our lives are like sand in an hourglass. We live in an ever changing world when the only thing that stays the same is change itself.

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