Saturday, February 25, 2012

Kindness is Special Quality

When you hear the words, "I was treated in a kindly manner," or "She was kind to me," what do you think of?  If you are like me, you envision a thoughtful and kindhearted person who is caring and considerate.  This person may also be helpful and sympathetic.  A kind person is unselfish, has a concern for others, and may be habitually kind naturally having a benevolent disposition.  Or, a kindness can be through specific words said or a kind behavior.  I read somewhere recently that if you are about to say something about another person ask yourself:  Is it true?  Is it inspiring? Is it necessary?  Is it kind?"  Mother Teresa and Helen Keller both say the same thing when they write about (us) not being able to do great things, only small things with great love.  And that would mean with great kindness because, always, when a person or animal is loved the one(s) who love them treat them in a kindly manner.  Then remember Flower in Bambi (or is it Thumper?) who said, "If you can't say anything nice, don't say anything at all."  Sometimes it is hard to react with kindness and tolerance to a potential conflict, but saying "you may be right," may often be the kindest and smartest thing to do.  When I think of kindness, I think of kind eyes, that if recognized, can cause great comfort.  If you have kind people in your life, or even kind animals, be grateful for them and "appreciate" them.

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