Monday, February 13, 2012

"When you're smilin,'', the whole world smiles with you."

This quote made famous by Louis Armstrong is so true.......have you ever noticed how nice it is when someone smiles at you, or how good you feel when you smile?  There are so many reasons to smile;  1)  Smiling can make you happy even when you are not.  There is something to be said about the mind-body connection in that smiling sends a message to your brain that you are happy. And, when you are happy, your body sends out feel-good endorphins.  So smile whether you feel like it or not;  2)  Smiling can make others happy.  Something as simple as seeing a friend smile can activate the muscles in your face to make that same expression, without you even being aware that you are doing it. Smiling is contagious;  3)  Smiling makes you more attractive.We smile in photos because we want to look our best.  Smiling people in photos are thought to be likable and confident;  4)  Smiling helps with our stress level.  The next time you are stressed about people, places, or things, take a few deep breaths and smile.  It has been proven that a smile signals to your brain that you are feeling happy and your body will usually slow its breathing and heart rate;  5)  Smiling can help when you are looking for work, or want to please someone.  Your appearance is more than just wearing nice clothes and saying the right things, a nice smile goes a long way;  6)  Smiling can lead to laughter. And laughing is so good for us. Studies have shown laughter burns calories, helps our blood flow, lowers blood sugar level, reduces stress, improves sleeps, and over all feels good.  So smile and laugh often; and, 7) Smiling just feels good, and sets the stage for happiness, when you smile you can't help but put on a happy face literally.  So think about what you do and where you go, and take a smile with you.  If you can't think of anything to smile about, think about something that makes you laugh, like something a friend said, the antics of your children or pets, watch a funny movie, or read the comics.

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