Saturday, February 18, 2012

The Path of Least Resistance

In life it is so much easier, don't you think, to go with the flow?  It seems like the more we don't accept what is going on with us, especially relative to a challenge, the more we suffer.  When we learn to accept everything that comes into our lives and don't resist it, pain and suffering have a way of disapating.  To resist is to keep something at bay, to prevent the occurrence of.  An unwillingness to accept what is going on.  It is putting up a wall, mentally, physically, emotionally, philosophically or otherwise.  We try and defy, withstand, protest, or elude reality.  As Eckhart Tolle, from the fame of, "The Power of Now," and "A Good Earth," says:  "Always say 'yes' to the present moment.  What could be more futile, more insane, than to create inner resistance to what already is.  Say 'yes' to life and see how life suddenly starts working for you rather than against you."  The analogy that gets repeated the most often regarding resistance vs non-resistance is that of the river that flows around rocks, not resisting them or anything else that is in it's path. In acceptance there is peace, in resistance, there is pain. The choice is always ours.  It is simple, but not easy. When we resist something, just like when we worry, we think we are doing something, but what are we really doing is trying to be in control of the situation, and how many people, places and things can we really control?  Until we learn to accept, we cling to things being the way they have been, or we wish they were, or want them to be, or hope they will be.  When we let go and lighten up, life seems to go much better as Mr. Tolle says we will find out.

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