Sunday, February 19, 2012

Listening is an Art

When you truly listen to something you just don't hear it with your ears, but you pay attention to the sounds, which can be anything from a cricket to a good piece of music.  Listening is the act of hearing attentively.  The real test of our listening is when we are with another person,  To be a good listener means listening with an intention to comprehend and appreciate what the other person is saying.  One pointed focus, or mindfulness (see my previous blog on mindfulness).  To be effective, a listener should also be empathetic and perceptive.  Perception is to be aware of, know, or identify with, by the means of the senses.   When one listens closely with concentration and/or perception, to what someone is trying to say, ideas becomes clear, and the listener is able to comprehend and understand what the person is trying to get across.  Also, important is the speaker's body language and what being imparted through their eyes, for example, do they make eye contact.  The listener's body language and eye contact are important as well. Our faces often show our feelings for the person and what is being said.  Compassion comes from the heart, and when we listen with our hearts this is the highest form of listening.  In matters of the heart, most of the time, words do not have to be spoken as there is an internal connection.  When I worked in human resources, employees, more than wanting to sue for, let's say wrongful termination or sexual harassment, wanted to be heard, they wanted to tell their side of the story and commiserate.  Most people want someone to know what is going on with them especially if they are suffering, have overwhelming challenges, or are maybe just confused.   Millions of dollars are spent on psychologists and psychiatrists who may interject comments or advice, but most of the time just listen while their patients try and figure out their own problems.  Something you probably have heard before: "God gave us two ears and one mouth!"

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