Thursday, February 16, 2012

Create, Creativity, and Creation

Creation is something brought into existence from our imagination.  It often describes something involving artistic talent like sculpting, painting and writing, but can be that of a practical invention such as the telephone or electricity.  A performance, or even a way of doing something (she had a sense of style in her dress), can also be a creative and imaginative process.  Creative work is the fullest human expression of being alive, it causes something unique to come into being that is not made by ordinary processes.  Nature is a good example of creation just happening naturally, for example, birds create nests and tides create ocean waves.  Following are two examples of creativity, the first as a painting and the second, as the written word.  Painted during the High Renaissance, central to the Sistine Chapel ceiling in the Vatican City in Rome, are nine scenes from the book of Genesis.  The "Creation of Adam" by Michelangelo is the most famous of the frescoes.  In a book by the name of "Clara and Mr. Tiffany," Mr Tiffany was showing Clara his new mosaics and stained glass.  When he showed her a baptismal font with the dome, or the lid, of the basin in opaque leaded glass, she was struck by a unique idea.  If it was reduced in size and made of translucent glass instead, once the the pieces in the dome could be secured, that it could be the method and shape of a lampshade, a wraparound window.  Mr. Tiffany exclaimed in wonder "Lampshades in leaded's brilliant.  An entirely new product, we'll be first on the market."  And the Tiffany lamps were born.  There is no end to creative talent.  Everything in this world was created at one time; material things were only ideas first.  However, the most important creation was that of human beings.  "I made you to accomplish what no one else can accomplish " was adapted from the "Power of Vision" by Myles Munroe based on Psalm 139:13-14.

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