Saturday, March 10, 2012


Life journeys revolve around people, places, and things, and people, places, and things change. That is just their nature. Change is inevitable and everywhere.  "To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under heaven.... Ecclesiastes 3:1.  Sometimes a change is complete and permanent, and other times the original nature, or essence, remains the same.  A dramatic change, or event, that occurs when something passes from one state to another, is called a transformation.  A butterfly evolving from a cocoon is a perfect example of a transformation, but a person can undergo a transformation as well, sometimes physically, and sometimes mentally. Every change has a beginning and an end.  The beginnings should be welcomed with hope and the endings appreciated for all that has happened.  Change does not have to be a struggle and can be moved through with grace and ease.  However, this is often not the case, beginnings can be unwelcome because of the unknown, and endings are often resisted. Change can be good or bad, depending on what the change is and who is affected.  One person may want a change and another may not want the change.  As we say about beauty being "in the eye of the beholder," so we can say about change.  We normally think of changes as those things that can be perceived with the senses and that have substance.  But, even a human virtue, such as patience, can change into impatience, and an emotion of caring into not caring.  Only the spiritual, intangible, immaterial Universal qualities, such as love and peace, are changeless.

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