Monday, March 12, 2012

Staying Young

We all inevitably grow old physically, but we don't have to grow old mentally.  My dad used to say, "died at 50, buried at 92."  People sometimes just give up on life.  Keeping a grateful attitude and their minds active and alert seems to be the best medicine for helping people feel young at heart as they grow older.  So much of feeling youthful is how people feel on the inside and not dwelling on the outside.  After all, wrinkles are just character lines.  It is healthy to follow our dreams, keep busy, and remain flexible.  We are given, and acquire, many talents, that if we are willing to pursue them, we can leave something of significance to the world. Leaving an "ethical will" is when feelings, philosophies, and thoughts are written down so they can be left for family and friends.  When people feel young at heart, they have "sunny dispositions." They are good natured and positive in what they say and what they do.  They are grateful for every day even though they realize that they are given just one time around in life, and this is it.  We can learn from children as they see everything uncomplicated, and not only do they live in the moment, they have a bright and cheerful outlook on life.  Children also laugh.  It is so healthy to smile and laugh.  One of the best remedies for living a youthful life is to laugh with others.  But, probably the best thing people can do, is not take themselves and their experiences so seriously, and have faith. Frank Sinatra sang a popular song with lyrics by King, Riley B. called "Young at Heart."  The verses tell us what happens when we are young at heart:  fairy tales will come true, it is hard to be narrow of mind, we can go to extremes with impossible schemes, life gets more exciting, it is worth every treasure on earth, and "for as rich as you are it's much better by far."  It is important to live every day to the fullest and enjoy our journey which can be thought of as a train ride.  So sit back and enjoy the ride even when it does get bumpy.

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