Tuesday, March 13, 2012

The Quality of Generosity

We all know what giving us, but there is a form of giving which is giving in an overly abundant and unselfish manner.  Often when we hear the word, generous, we think of monetary gifts, but being generous means more than giving tangible gifts that can be seen and felt.  Generosity brings the spirit of kindness, tolerance, forgiveness, faith, goodness, compassion, and the other gifts of the heart.  When a person is generous, his heart is in the right place and his intention is not to receive as a result of his giving.  He is kind in words and deeds offering encouragement, inspiration, and guidance.  "Generosity begins at home," but a truly generous person doesn't stop there, he continues to give not only to other people and to animals, but to the community, the country and even the world.  A generous person is generous because he is a naturally good person who is charitable and benevolent, and has the virtue of generosity (like faith, love, and hope) that flows not from his own nature.   If one is generous, he is big hearted, warm, and is willing to share what he has and more.  He is kind in words and deeds.  The greatest gifts a man can give are those of him self:  his time, ideas, dreams, plans, and creative talents from artwork and books to inventions.  Being generous is not only living an overflowing way of life, but "real generosity toward the future lies in giving all to the present." Albert Camus

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