Friday, March 2, 2012

Characteristics of a Counselor or Helper

Sometimes people feel they cannot handle a situation or extenuating circumstances by themselves.  Therefore, they may seek outside help.  If this is the case, to be effective, whomever they choose should be good listeners, trustworthy, compassionate, understanding, and empathetic. Good helpers should also be flexible and able to deal with nuances in the conversation, only give pertinent feedback when necessary and/or asked for, give focused attention, and make eye contact.  Their body language should be relaxed and open and a sense of humor and lightness, when appropriate, goes a long way.  Counselors and helpers should be kind and genuine and want the best state of mind and being for the person seeking advice or help.  A counselor may be a psychologist or psychiatrist, or could be the family doctor, a pastor, a life coach, or a good friend.  I have noted some of the most important things to look for in seeking help from others.  There may be more specific qualities looked  for, but most important, anyone chosen should be safe, trusted, and confidential.   In looking at this list, it would be interesting for one to ask himself or herself whether he or she has these qualities if asked for help.

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