Sunday, March 18, 2012


There is definitely real fear, and at these times, a "fight" or "flight" response and an adrenalin rush occur.  In these situations, we feel scared, frightened, anxious, and panicked.  We may also have feelings of fear due to insecurity, defeat, doubts, unworthiness, or failure; and also, because we don't believe or trust ourselves, that we aren't good enough, or smart enough.  Reactions to this type of fear are running from conflicts or opportunities, isolating, procrastinating, and berating ourselves.   Usually these are the types of fear that result in physical feelings of overall tenseness, feeling clammy, sweating, and being nauseous.  Mental reactions may lead to depression and lethargy, anxiety, and even panic attacks.  We can also fear opportunities and getting out of our "comfort zone," putting up with people, places, and things out of habit and tolerating them because of  fear of the unknown.  Helen Keller wrote, "Avoiding danger is no safer in the long run than outright exposure.  Life is either a daring adventure, or nothing."  Most of our fears never come to pass anyway.   There is a common saying, "that what you worried about six months ago, you won't even remember today."  And, sometimes our fears are imaginary.  Fear has a way of sneaking up on us, so the best thing that we can do is to try and identify them and/or the triggers.  A fearful person falls into the habit of anticipating trouble.  And then there are the people who fear that they will lose something they already possess, or fail to get something they want.  When we are able to overcome one fear there is a feeling of relief and freedom, but then there is always something to face tomorrow.  Our experiences are rough going sometimes so it helps to take the attitude of I can take it, and "this too shall pass."  Sometimes the more we resist our fears, the more they have a way of controlling us.  Therefore, the more faith and trust we build, the more our fears will subside and be put in a better perspective.  Tomorrow I will be writing about how love is letting go of fear.

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