Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Moving Forward

When we think about the past, if our circumstances have changed, we might dwell on something we felt went wrong, what we wish would have happened, and/or what we would change.  We have choices to either stay stuck in the past or accept the facts and move on.  Often we hear,"let it go, there is nothing you can do about it, it's in the past."  An article I once read discussed letting things be rather than trying to let things go.  In other words, if thoughts come, don't fight them as they will eventually subside.  We can say we are sorry and make amends which are good things, but we cannot change what has happened no matter how much psychic energy we put into it. It is much more productive to think good thoughts and understand that experiences are opportunities to learn about ourselves, other people, and life in general.  H.G. Wells said, "The past is but the beginning of the beginning."  Sometimes the past is painful and may be the result of having high expectations, or trying to change or control a situation or another person.  By detaching and accepting the situation as it is (because it is) we are  better able to let go of the pain and thinking that makes it so and move forward.  Sometimes we need to forgive someone and that can be difficult to do as well.  How many times are resentments carried over from the past?   A forward moving person is one who makes progress.  Dealing with reality, living in the present, and having good thoughts about a prospective future will lead to growth rather than continuing to remain stagnant.  Life is too short to dwell on things we cannot do anything about.  A bigger, better, and brighter future awaits us.

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