Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Never Underestimate Who You Are - Part II

As human beings each moment of our lives has the potential to be a new beginning.  We are free to make new choices and adopt new ideas; we are free to hope and to dream. We have the ability to rise to our challenges and circumstances, and surmount them in order to attain success.  As adults, we are in control of our lives and can choose the life we want to live. James Allen was a British philosophical writer.  In his book, As a Man Thinketh, he wrote on the aphorism (an original, concise thought), "As a man thinketh in his heart so is he."  He notes "A man is literally what he thinks."  We are blessed with the power of thought, and the power of choice.  If we are conscious of our thoughts and can rationally evaluate them, and even form them,  then we can change them.  We just have to make a conscious effort to do so.  We can think good thoughts  and we can create positive energy, and then, we can think bad thoughts and create bad energy. We are also blessed with the powers of visualization, imagination, and creativity.  I call them powers because we basically can transform our lives based on what we think, what we choose, what we visualize, what we imagine, and therefore, what we create.  It is up to us to live up to the potential we were born with, and results of our experiences and education.  As the author, W. Clement Stone writes, "Whatever the mind of man can conceive and believe it can achieve."  We need to believe in ourselves while we strive to make our ideals and visions realities, but it takes patience, determination, endurance, and self discipline.  That we have the capability to be fully alive, aware, and enjoy life is another aspect our humanity.

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