Thursday, March 1, 2012

Being Rewarded

Rewards can be given as a type of encouragement or a way of giving feedback and reinforcement. They are given for a job well done because of someone's talent, expertise and/or a service performed.  Rewards can be monetary or simply a thank you.  They are meant to stimulate someone to continue in a certain direction, or as a consequence of something special that was completed or accomplished.  Rewards are given to support worthy acts or behavior. As a benefit, a company I once worked for gave jewelry with different color stones as rewards for not only lengths of service, but for the fulfillment of certain acts of service. On a personal level, you can give yourself rewards as well. This is common regarding setting and achieving goals.  We hear that, as motivation for reaching goals, it is a good idea to establish rewards along the way to be given when goals are reached. Something to look forward to.  Sample rewards are from a new pair of jeans to a special treat like a hot fudge sundae.  Usually something that gives you pleasure that you don't ordinarily buy or do yourself.   Anything that makes you feel like you accomplished something.

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