Thursday, March 29, 2012

What Makes Our Lives Meaningful?

Victor Frankl, a holocaust survivor, and noted psychiatrist wrote, "Man's deepest need is to have meaning in his life."  Meaning in our lives of course, "means" something different to all of us. Perhaps we want to be loved and validated.  We want to be supported and made to feel worthy, and in turn, have a good self image.  Other ways to have a good self image are to make choices and decisions based on our moral values and integrity to direct our lives toward personal growth. And, also, by giving of ourselves and those intangible qualities of kindness and generosity.  Many of us spend a lifetime trying to find our purpose in life.  Therefore, meaning for us may be a journey within to find ourselves and get to know who we are.  Sarah Ban Breathnach writes about authenticity in her book Simple Abundance.  She asks us to call forth our authentic gifts so that we might know them, acknowledge them, and own them.  Ultimately, we may develop a philosophy of life so that we can live richer, deeper, and more satisfying lives.  Our  lives can also be measured by our accomplishments derived from our dreams and visions, making our lives more meaningful as well.  Benjamin Franklin and Thomas Edison were two of the most important inventors of their time.  They were driven by their passions, emotions, and energy to better mankind and leave something of significance to the world.  Or, perhaps we may find meaning simply in loving life and living it to the fullest.  When we open ourselves to the wonder and beauty around us, we deepen our insight and expand our interests, and express more love. We do this with grateful appreciation of the good in the world, no matter what our circumstances.  Either way, or ways, we search for meaning in our lives, on some level, we can believe, and invest in ourselves, when we discover that true meaning of life lies within.

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