Monday, March 19, 2012

Love is Letting Go of Fear

Love is Letting Go of Fear  is the title of a book by Gerald D. Jampolsky, MD.  His premise is that we perceive the world differently when we are willing to let the past slip away, expand our sense of the now, and dissolve the fear in our minds.  He goes on to say that, although we may fear the unknown, sometimes the fear we feel is predicated on the past which we feel may predict the future.  We base our fears on past experiences thinking more abut the past than the present moment.  And, as far as the future is concerned, how can we fear something that hasn't happened yet?  Mr. Jampolsky writes, "Each instant of our lives can be regarded as a present opportunity for a new awakening or rebirth, free from the irrelevant intrusion of memories from the past and anticipations of the future.  In the freedom of the present moment, we can extend our loving nature because "love is our true reality."  Peace of mind depends upon giving up our fears and trusting that all is, and will be, well.  We can choose to take responsibility for how we act, think, and feel.  As human beings we are able to make choices, therefore, we can choose fear, or choose love.  "Fear keeps (us) shut off and unhealed.  Love opens (us) up and heals (us).  Hope for Today  Choosing love means we stay away from physically, emotionally, or spiritually unhealthy situations and no longer accept unacceptable behavior.  We love and care for ourselves enough to walk away.  "If I look for fear, I'll find fear.  If I look for love, I'll find love." Hope for Today  We need to evaluate what we are reacting to with fear and ask ourselves if our fear is real or imagined.  If it is real fear, we should face it and walk through it, not around it, or deny it exists.   We may have to do this over and over again, but eventually we are able to let go of the feelings associated with fear and learn new ways of relating to the world.  We start to see the world as a kinder, less fearful place, and a new sense of freedom and lightness occur.  We find that: "There is no fear in love; but perfect love casteth out fear because fear hath torment..."  1 John 4:18.  Through letting go of fear we find love, and finding love we are able to let go of fear.  We see the truth of our being which is not meant to fear but to love, be serene, and enjoy life.  

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