Saturday, March 3, 2012


Most people have faith in something, whether it is in a spiritual entity, another person, a group of people, or themselves.  Having faith is a belief that something is true, or will come about.  Theologically, faith means a strong belief in the unseen as noted in the Bible in Matthew 17:20, "I tell you the truth, if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to a mountain move from here to there and it will move."  Having faith is trusting that when someone says they are telling the truth that they are e.g., a friend who says he will follow through on his promise.  When someone is faithful, he is loyal, and this certainly can be said about our pets.   How often do we say the words,"our pet," and "loyal," in the same breath?  In order to have faith and trust in another person, it usually doesn't happen unless we get to know them and find them to be kind, honest,  reliable and so forth.  We don't all have trust and confidence in the same thing.  One person may have faith in a particular legal system and another may feel it is a sham.  Also, some people believe in things that aren't necessarily good for them.  For example, a one-sided, loveless relationship.  It is important for human beings to have faith in themselves in order to feel valued and validated.  Sad, but true, some people have no faith in themselves, or anyone or anything.

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