Monday, March 5, 2012

The Golden Rule

The Golden Rule is considered the "ethic of reciprocity."  It is the relationship between one's self and others that equally involves both sides.  Simply stated it means:  "one should treat others in ways that one would like to be treated."  The term "Golden Rule" has roots in ancient cultures and all of the major religions state that someone should not do things harmful to others that would bring harm to him as well.  The Golden Rule has come to stand for any important rule or guide for conduct; therefore, it can apply to saying something to someone as well.  For example, when one person is talking to another, he should take that person's feelings into consideration, and how he would feel if what he was saying to that person was said to him?  So many people forget the principle of The Golden Rule and feelings are needlessly hurt, when pausing and reflecting a split second may mean all the difference in the world.  Granted, it may be hard to know what will hurt someone's feelings and what may hurt one person may not hurt another.  However, whenever we speak, or act, how hard is it to be thoughtful and kind?  Someone who isn't sensitive to another's feelings when speaking to him is tactless, blunt, and may use a lack of judgment.  Blunt in this case means outspoken, direct, and often rude.  Regarding actions, everyone likes to be nice to.  In summary, when you are not sure what to say or do regarding another, consider the effect it will and have and if you would like that affect.

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